Murphy Administration

COMMENTARY:Three Ways Gov. Murphy Can Resuscitate his Education Department

I’m tired of writing about the ineptitude of the Murphy Administration’s Department of Education. And now I’m (almost!) tired of…

2 years ago

State Board of Education Members Get Fired Up During Discussion About Gender Identity in Sex Education Classes

Today's State Board of Education meeting was a six-hour marathon as Board trustees, Acting Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan, and Education Department…

2 years ago

MATRISCIANO: Here is a Statewide Strategic Action Plan for Education in New Jersey

Vince Matrisciano is a certified Project Management Professional, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Human Capitol Strategist. He has made…

2 years ago

SCOOP: First Peek at New Jersey State Test Scores!

Today Acting Education Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan and her team will unveil student levels of proficiency as gauged by last spring's…

2 years ago

VIDEO: We Don’t Just Need Our Kids’ Test Scores—We Need a Competent Education Department Too

Tomorrow morning the State Board of Education will hear a presentation  from the Murphy Administration's Department of Education, which will…

2 years ago

Wake Up For Wednesday’s State Board of Education Meeting: Test Scores and Gender Identity

On Wednesday at 10am, the New Jersey Department of Education will finally share results with the State Board (and the…

2 years ago

Murphy Announces New Initiative To Try to Accelerate Student Learning in Wake Of Covid

The Murphy Administration today announced the launch of the New Jersey Partnership for Student Success (NJPSS), an initiative designed to…

2 years ago

BREAKING: New Jersey Is Now the Only State in the Nation That Hasn’t Released Statewide Test Scores (Plus Newark Numbers)

CORRECTION: Technically Maine, Maryland, and Vermont have, in addition to New Jersey, not released statewide standardized test results from last…

2 years ago

Governor Murphy Announces Independent Review of State’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Governor Murphy today announced the beginning of an independent review of the State’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the…

2 years ago

Attention New Jersey Parents: This Deadline is Looming

Justine Kattouf is a Maplewood student with profound autism; Covid-school closures and subsequent remote learning were a disaster for him.…

2 years ago