EXPLAINER: What Are Standardized Tests and Why Do We Need Them?

Few education topics get parents, teachers, and school leaders more riled up than discussions about using results from student tests…

4 years ago

Shavar Jeffries, Montclair Public Schools, and the ESSA Shell Game

I once heard a Montclair High School student describe how he could tell whether a class was an AP or…

6 years ago

My Take on the Betsy DeVos Hearing: Paging Blanche DuBois

I’ve tried to be open-minded about Trump’s nominee for Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos. Many people I respect view her as…

8 years ago

QOD: Chris Cerf Goes to Washington

On Wednesday Newark Superintendent Chris Cerf gave a speech at the American Enterprise Institute in which he reflected on the…

8 years ago

It Could Be Worse: What if Cuomo Had Written the New NCLB?

‘The single best thing that I can do,” Gov. Cuomo said last year, is “break what is in essence one…

9 years ago

Some (Muted) Applause for the NCLB/ESEA Rewrite

Many Americans probably chuckle in agreement when hearing that old Mark Twain quip, “suppose you were an idiot, and suppose…

9 years ago

Elizabeth Warren Brooks No Bullies as She Fights for Progressive Accountability in Federal Education Laws

One of the most powerful, progressive, and popular leaders in national politics is  U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), whom many…

10 years ago

Does the New NCLB’s Opt-Out Provisions Protect Kids with Disabilities? This Mom says “No”

Great read in The Atlantic about the alignment of disability advocates and civil rights leaders on the necessity of maintaining federal oversight,…

10 years ago

Why We Need a New Education Law with Federal Oversight

From The Hill:Billions of federal dollars are spent on education each year, and no taxpayer wants to see this investment…

10 years ago

“Small But Mighty Group of Teachers” Urge Senate to Include Accountability AND Action in ESEA

Alice Johnson Cain, Vice President for Federal and State Policy at Teach Plus, makes a convincing case for why the…

10 years ago