New Jersey Department of Education (DOE)

Want to Stem the Teacher Shortage? Start Trusting Our Great Educators

Michael Gottesman is a retired New Jersey attorney and the founder of the "New Jersey Coalition for Protection of Public…

2 years ago

New Jersey Residents Overwhelmingly Support the New Health and Sexual Education Standards—But Not For Elementary School Students

As New Jersey’s new health and sexual education standards take effect, large majorities of Garden State residents are in favor…

2 years ago

NJEA Goes KGB On The New Sex Education Standards and Grooms Its Own Candidates

Twitter is no fair representative of public sentiment but my feed is suddenly clogged by New Jersey residents appalled by…

2 years ago

GOODMAN: With College Tuition Sky-High and Teachers Scarce, We Need To Change the Way Schools Are Accredited

Robert Goodman is the Executive Director of the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning and a former NJ Teacher…

2 years ago

NJER-TV VIDEO: JerseyCAN’s Paula White Explains Why We Can’t Settle For ‘Feel-Good Decisions’ Amid a Learning Crisis

Today NJER-TV presents the second of a two-part video series where NJ Education Report Editor Laura Waters interviews JerseyCAN Executive…

2 years ago