New Jersey Department of Education

LILLEY: Flawed Research from Jersey Jazzman and NJ Policy Perspective Aligns With NJ Teachers Union’s Agenda

Once again, more flawed research was just published by New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP) and Mark Weber, Ph.D., (a.k.a Jersey…

4 years ago

Whistleblower Calls Foul: This NJ Department of Education Teacher-Training Program Is Bogus

This is a guest editorial by a staff member of the New Jersey Department of Education who wishes to remain…

4 years ago

Newark Superintendent Tries Smoke and Mirrors to Hide Extent of Student Learning Loss

Back in March the non-profit JerseyCAN commissioned a report to quantify learning loss among New Jersey students during the pandemic.…

4 years ago

LILLEY: Does NJEA Care About Learning Loss for Minority and Low-Income Students?

Remote learning during the pandemic has indeed taken its toll on NJ students. The New Jersey Globe reported that based on interim…

4 years ago

Camden’s Newest Non-Profit Quizzes Schools on Learning Loss Plans

On Monday Parents Invincible, a new non-profit headed by longtime Camden activist Shirley Irizarry, sent a questionnaire to all Camden…

4 years ago

Sorry, New Jersey History Buffs: New Report Says Our Course Content Is ‘Mediocre’

This week the Fordham Institute released a report called “ online pharmacy keflex no prescription The State of State Standards…

4 years ago

BREAKING: NJ Supreme Court Upholds Expansion of Seven Newark Charter Schools

In a unanimous ruling issued this afternoon, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled in favor of the State Department of…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: If Phil Murphy Wants a Second Term, Here’s the Course-Correction He Needs Most

If you’ve been following NJ Education Report’s coverage of the dissolution of Asbury Park Public Schools, first under the direction…

4 years ago

‘State of Emergency’ or ‘Not a Failure’? Dueling Takeaways on Learning Loss at State Board of Education Meeting

There was some dissension yesterday during the New Jersey State Board of Education meeting. Vice President Andy Mulvihill, upon hearing…

4 years ago

NEWSFLASH: Ciattarelli, Murphy’s GOP Challenger, at Odds With NJ Teacher Union Leaders

Jack Ciattarelli, the Republican challenger to Gov. Phil Murphy, has reached an impasse with leaders of the New Jersey Education…

4 years ago