New Jersey Legislature

Dueling Videos: NJEA and Senate GOP Slug It Out on YouTube (Or Somewhere)

This is a press release from New Jersey Assembly Republicans. The "parody video" they reference slams NJEA for its own…

3 years ago

Senate Republican Leader Charges Murphy With Lying To Parents About Sex Ed Standards

(This is adapted from a press release.) buy albenza online buy albenza online no prescription Senate Republican Leader Steven Oroho…

3 years ago

Assembly Ed Committee: Biden Administration Says ‘No’ But We’ll Say ‘Yes’

Yesterday the Education Committee of the New Jersey State Assembly unanimously approved Bill proposal 5374, sponsored by Assemblywomen Pamela Lampitt,…

4 years ago

NJ Senate Bill Would Let Parents Choose for Their Child to Repeat This Year’s Grade

New Jersey Senators Shirley Turner (D-Mercer) and Patrick Diegnan (D-Middlesex) have introduced a bill that would allow parents/guardians to request…

4 years ago

State Legislature Divided on Whether To Waive Spring Standardized Testing

There’s a rift in the State Legislature: Two Assemblywomen, Pamela Lampitt and Mila Jasey, will introduce a bill next week…

4 years ago

NJ Senate Education Chair: We Must Assess Student Learning Loss This Year

online pharmacy buy imodium online no prescription Senate Education Chair M. Teresa Ruiz issued the following statement welcoming the Biden…

4 years ago

Nine New Senate Bills Aim to Address NJ’s Teacher Diversity Gap

Senator Teresa Ruiz, chair of the Senate Education Committee, just introduced a series of bills to address the lack of…

4 years ago

NJ Assembly Passes Diversity and Inclusion Bill, Despite Objections to Teaching Young Children About Sexual Identity

The New Jersey Assembly just approved a bill, A4454, that “requires school districts to include instruction on diversity and inclusion…

4 years ago

Why Isn’t Murphy Prioritizing Teachers for COVID-19 Vaccinations?

Two Republican legislators from Monmouth County, Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso and Declan O’Scanlon, are calling on Governor Murphy to prioritize teachers…

4 years ago

Breaking News: New Jersey Senate Passes Learning Loss Bill by 38-1

This is a press release from the New Jersey Democrats. For background, see here, here, here and here. RUIZ, TURNER PUSH FOR DOE…

4 years ago