New Jersey School Development Authority

Murphy Wants School Buildings to Reopen but What Happens if the State Can’t Repair Them?

This is the moment to start changing the way we think about schools in New Jersey. We can’t just keep…

4 years ago

Explainer: How Are Schools Funded in New Jersey, and Why Are My Property Taxes So High?

New Jerseyans love to complain about their property taxes ---with some justification. According to WalletHub, we pay the highest property…

4 years ago

New Jersey’s School Funding Formula Unfairly Privileges Some Not-So-Poor “Abbott” Districts.

This is a guest post by @stateaidguy who blogs at New Jersey Education Aid, where this piece was first published…

5 years ago

This Newspaper Series Says NJ Charter Schools Are a “Flawed Experiment.” That’s Wrong — And The Series Itself Proves That.

After I read North Jersey Media Group’s (NJMG) voluminous series called “Millions of Your Tax Dollars Have Disappeared Into NJ’s…

6 years ago

Nepotism Springs Eternal in the Murphy Administration. Now Would Someone Please Pay Attention to the Department of Education?

online pharmacy buy mobic no prescription with best prices today in the USA Yesterday I wrote that the nepotism and…

6 years ago