New Jersey State Board of Education

JerseyCAN’s Chief Calls Out Murphy’s Education Department For Withholding Student Test Data

In this 40-second video, JerseyCAN Executive Director Paula White explains why the Murphy Administration's Education Department is hurting kids and…

2 years ago

Education Law Center Demands Murphy Immediately Replace State Board of Ed Members

Ed. Note: This is a press release from Education Law Center, which is closely affiliated with (and largely funded by)…

2 years ago

COMMENTARY: New Jersey Parents Face Off Against a Education Department That’s Too Dense to Care

A new bill in the New Jersey Senate would make state finances “readily accessible to the public,” says Senate Budget…

2 years ago

Murphy’s Education Department Trumpets Equity as State Board Members View the 64th Floor

The New Jersey State Board of Education held its monthly public meeting this morning, large stretches of it consumed by…

2 years ago

Murphy’s Education Department Is Holding Student Learning Data Hostage from Parents, Teachers, and Schools

Yesterday we reported that New Jersey students, according to the highly-regarded NAEP tests, have suffered steeper drops in math and…

2 years ago

Inside Scoop From Yesterday’s State Board of Education Meeting With Murphy Administration Stuck on the 64 Floor

At yesterday’s State Board of Education monthly public meeting, the 64 Floor legacy of Gov. Murphy’s former commissioner Lamont Repollet…

2 years ago

SCOOP: NJEA Executives Were the First to Know Murphy Wants To Can These Three State Board of Education Members

According to anonymous sources, top executives at New Jersey Education Association were the first to hear that Gov. Phil Murphy…

2 years ago

LILLEY: Another Quid Pro Quo from Gov. Murphy?

Gov. Murphy announced the nomination of three new members for the State Board of Education (SBOE), Mary Bennett, Dr. Kwanghee…

2 years ago

NJ Senator: Murphy’s Replacement of Three State Board Members with ‘Puppets’ Tramples on Parents’ Rights

Senator Joe Pennacchio today chastised the Murphy Administration for the autocratic management of the New Jersey State Board of Education…

2 years ago

HOLZAPFEL, MCGUCKIN& CATALANO: Murphy Is Getting Rid of the State Board of Education Members Who Pushed Back on His Sex Standards

Senator Jim Holzapfel, Assemblymen Greg McGuckin, and Assemblyman John Catalano (all R-10) said Governor Phil Murphy is attempting to squash…

2 years ago