New Jersey State Board of Education

NJEA Leaders Applaud Murphy’s New State Board of Education Nominees

Governor Phil Murphy today announced his nominations of Mary Bennett, Dr. Kwanghee Jung, and Dr. Claudine Keenan to the New…

2 years ago

BREAKING: Murphy Cans State Board of Education Members Who Dare To Question His Administration’s Competence

It's no secret that the stature of Gov. Phil Murphy's Education Department has been diminished through missteps by Acting Commissioner…

2 years ago

NJEA Goes KGB On The New Sex Education Standards and Grooms Its Own Candidates

Twitter is no fair representative of public sentiment but my feed is suddenly clogged by New Jersey residents appalled by…

2 years ago

Murphy Administration Announces the Return of Jersey City Public Schools to Full Local Control

Editor's Note: This is a press release from the Governor's Office. Carly Sitrin of Politico NJ notes (in an article…

2 years ago

BREAKING: Murphy’s Education Commissioner Orders State Board To Recognize Her ‘Competence’

Here's a best practice for state departments of education: treat oversight boards respectfully and communicate all proposals in advance of…

2 years ago

How Will Murphy’s Education Department ‘Penalize’ Districts Who Don’t Teach New Sex Education Standards?

Yesterday’s marathon State Board of Education meeting—six hours and change—was noteworthy for multiple reasons, not least the clear frustration expressed…

2 years ago

NJ Education Department: In September All Districts Must Test Students Grades 4-10 to Measure COVID Learning Loss

In spite of blowback from a member of the New Jersey State Board of Education and other allies, the Murphy…

2 years ago

Senate Republican Leader Charges Murphy With Lying To Parents About Sex Ed Standards

(This is adapted from a press release.) Senate Republican Leader Steven Oroho said the Murphy administration’s confirmation that school districts…

2 years ago

Murphy’s Education Department Announces Districts Will Be ‘Penalized’ For Not Following New Sex Education Standards

The New Jersey State Department of Education just announced that school districts that don't adhere to the new Sexual Health…

2 years ago

Latest On How NJ School Districts Are Integrating New State Sex Ed Standards (Or Not)

In Essex County's Cedar Grove Schools District, a petition is circulating asking for a recall vote of school board member…

2 years ago