New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA)

COMMENTARY:Three Ways Gov. Murphy Can Resuscitate his Education Department

I’m tired of writing about the ineptitude of the Murphy Administration’s Department of Education. And now I’m (almost!) tired of…

2 years ago

FLYNN: Delayed Release of Test Scores Shows Murphy’s Education Department Is Guided By Politics, Not What’s Best for Children

These are comments from  New Jersey Assemblywoman Victoria Flynn on the State Education Department's (NJDOE) delayed and partial release of…

2 years ago

You May Not Like Student Test Results But Here’s How We Know They’re Accurate

Local news media is chock-full of reports on yesterday's long-delayed release from the Murphy Administration's Department of Education of last…

2 years ago

Senator Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz: Test Results Are a Jarring Alarm to the Work That Lies Ahead

Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz issued the following statement on the release of the 2022 Student Learning Assessment results:…

2 years ago

Corrado Blasts Murphy Administration for Continuing to Cover Up the Extend of Learning Loss During the Pandemic

The State Board of Education and Murphy’s Department of Education continue to obscure crucial data about the impact of learning…

2 years ago

Top Education Advocate to Murphy’s Department of Education and State Board: The Madness Must Stop


2 years ago

SCOOP: First Peek at New Jersey State Test Scores!

Today Acting Education Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan and her team will unveil student levels of proficiency as gauged by last spring's…

2 years ago

VIDEO: We Don’t Just Need Our Kids’ Test Scores—We Need a Competent Education Department Too

Tomorrow morning the State Board of Education will hear a presentation  from the Murphy Administration's Department of Education, which will…

2 years ago

Dear Gov. Murphy & Education Department: You Won’t Fix Learning Loss By Hiding Test Data

This is an editorial from the Star-Ledger Editorial Board. Although New Jersey is at the top of national rankings for…

2 years ago

New Jersey Currently Stands as One of Only Two States in The Country That Has Not Publicly Released Test Scores

Today Paula White, Executive Director of JerseyCAN, will testify before New Jersey’s Joint Committee on Public Schools regarding the urgent…

2 years ago