NJEA is on a roll. Just over the couple of months New Jersey’s primary teacher union leaders have mounted a…
This just out from NJEA:Steinhauer demands that Hespe retract opt-out threatPublished on Thursday, April 23, 2015 NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer today…
Echoing U.S. Sec’y of Education Arne Duncan’s announcement this week at the Education Writers Association conference, N.J. Ed. Commissioner David…
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Laura McKenna, author of the recent Atlantic article “What Happens When Students Boycott a Standardized Test? “ (April 9th), describes…
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What looks like a victory to some parents may soon backfire in their faces. The anti-PARCC hysteria that's torn through…
New Jersey’s opt-out numbers are in, reports today’s NJ Spotlight. (Here's additional coverage from the Star Ledger, The Record, and…
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To no one’s surprise, Education Law Center is threatening legal action against the expansion of renaissance schools in Camden, a…