Mila Jasey’s Charter Conversion

Speaking of the bill proposed by N.J. Assembly members Patrick Diegnan and Mila Jasey that would place a three-year moratorium…

10 years ago

New NJ Spotlight Column: “Don’t Fall For the Opt-Out Cope-Out”

It starts here:Upholding ethical principles in Trenton’s State House is no game for wimps. Legislators in the Assembly and the…

10 years ago

Opting-In as “the Great Equalizer”

The Asbury Park Press reports that Marlboro Public Schools wins the prize in Monmouth County for the school district with…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Post: Is Pearson Really Stalking Your Kids’ Twitter Feed?

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10 years ago

Opt-Outers in N.J. Are on a “Collision Course with Low-Income Families of Color”

Robert Pondiscio’s article, “Opting Out, Race, and Reform” (referenced in the post below), deserves a little more detail than just…

10 years ago

QOD: NJEA Spokesman on Why N.J. PARCC Opt-outs Skew White and Privileged

"The vast majority of opt-outs are taking place in non-urban, non-disadvantaged districts,” agrees [NJEA Spokesman Steve] Wollmer, “because parents tend…

10 years ago

The Star Ledger Debunks PARCC Conspiracy Theories

From today’s editorial:Among those embracing this nonsense is the New Jersey Education Association. The union hates the idea of using…

10 years ago

QOD: Opt-Out Demagoguery Is Bad for Schools and Kids

Jonah Edelman, the father of two children taking Common Core-aligned assessments (he's also a writer for the Daily Beast), parses…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Column: Who Has the Biggest Stakes in N.J.’s Pension Reform?

It starts here:Two weeks ago, timed precisely to coincide with Governor Christie's budget address, New Jersey's Study Commission on Pension…

10 years ago

New NJ Spotlight Column: Time For NJEA to Seize the Microphone on Health Benefits, Pensions

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10 years ago