New Newsworks Column: N.J.’s Anti-Testing Bill is Really About Teacher Tenure

It starts here online pharmacy order cymbalta online with best prices today in the USA :New Jersey State Assemblyman Patrick…

10 years ago

How the Anti-Standardized Testing Movement is Like the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Fifteen years ago the Center for Disease Control declared that measles had been eradicated in America. But now the CDC…

10 years ago

QOD: Bob Braun Rebuts NJEA and SOS-NJ’s Claim that PARCC Tests are High Stakes for Students

Bob Braun, New Jersey’s Diane Ravitch-clone, is outraged. Okay, that’s his usual posture, but this time his target isn’t Cory…

10 years ago

Give the Cami-Bashing A Rest: Woes in Newark Go Way Back

My new Spotlight column is out today. It starts here:News from Newark Public Schools is alarming. Earlier this month state…

10 years ago

N.J. Reconsiders the “Harrowing Stresses” of “Data-Driven Education”

On Friday New Jersey’s “Study Commission on the Use of Student Assessments in New Jersey.” issued its Interim Report. (See…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Column: Christie Gives the Bird to a School Choice Program

It starts here online pharmacy buy bactrim no prescription with best prices today in the USA :"It's a great program,"…

10 years ago

NJEA’s Contributions Include Over Half a Million to Education Law Center

Mike Antonucci at Intercepts is performing a valuable public service as he drills down on the finances of each state's…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Column: Why a Christie Presidential Run is Good for N.J.’s Teachers’ Union

It starts here:The nation’s atwitter about a potential Republican nomination brawl between Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, as well as…

10 years ago

Another Argument Against Lock-Step Teacher Salary Guides

There are many arguments against the way we back-load teacher compensation, i.e., awarding small annual salary increases to newer teachers…

10 years ago

New Newsworks Post: A Local NJEA Unit’s Distorted Attacks on PARCC Testing

It starts here:Last month the Executive Committee of the Delran Education Association (Burlington County) issued a "massive position statement" detailing…

10 years ago