Speaking of the bill proposed by N.J. Assembly members Patrick Diegnan and Mila Jasey that would place a three-year moratorium on all charter school approvals,
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The Asbury Park Press reports that Marlboro Public Schools wins the prize in Monmouth County for the school district with the most PARCC opt-outs. There,
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Robert Pondiscio’s article, “Opting Out, Race, and Reform” (referenced in the post below), deserves a little more detail than just NJEA’s insult to poor families.
“The vast majority of opt-outs are taking place in non-urban, non-disadvantaged districts,” agrees [NJEA Spokesman Steve] Wollmer, “because parents tend to be better informed in
From today’s editorial: Among those embracing this nonsense is the New Jersey Education Association. The union hates the idea of using tests to expose bad
Jonah Edelman, the father of two children taking Common Core-aligned assessments (he’s also a writer for the Daily Beast), parses the politics of the Opt-Out
It starts here: Two weeks ago, timed precisely to coincide with Governor Christie’s budget address, New Jersey’s Study Commission on Pension and Health Benefits released
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