Primer on Christie’s Ed Reform Proposals

Gov. Christie’s State of the State speech was widely praised as diplomatic if short on specifics regarding education reform. Here comes the specifics, gleaned from

Quote of the Day

Liam Julian at Fordham’s Flypaper blog considers Gov. Christie’s comment during his State of the State speech that “teaching can no longer be the only

NJEA’s Luddism

Local school district referenda on school construction often serve as a barometer of the voters’ willingness to support costs of public education. If that truism

Cerf’s Up!

Now that Christopher Cerf is, for all practical purposes, our next Commissioner of Education, what will this mean for school reform prospects in NJ? First,

Viral Testing

NJEA President Barbara Keshishian in the Asbury Park Press bemoans the “test score culture” that has invaded our public schools like a stealthy virus, begotten

NJEA Reform Proposals Get Panned

Charles Stile of The Record: buy zithromax online buy zithromax online no prescription New Jersey’s embattled teachers union’s new “vision” for public education could best

Want Some More Tea With Your Sugar?

Lots of coverage today as NJEA released its reform proposals: check out the Star-Ledger online pharmacy buy revia no insurance with best prices today in

Quality-Blind Lay-Offs

Sometime this afternoon, NJEA promises, it will unveil its blueprint for reforming our outdated tenure laws and using student growth as a measure of teacher

Quote of the Day

From a parent to NJEA Executive Director Vince Giordano at a November 10th Garden State Coalition meeting, as reported by Ray Pinney of NJSBA: online

DOE Strategic Blunder

It’s been a bad week for the NJ Department of Education. Acting Commissioner Rochelle Hendricks’ conspicuous absence at last week’s NJEA Convention produced volumes of