Quote of the Day

NJEA President Barbara Keshishian to an audience of local union presidents regarding recent events: buy clomid online clomid online generic I wanted to speak to

NJ’s Charter School Charade

Amidst the ruckus surrounding Gov. Christie’s $819 million cut in state aid to public schools we’re detecting a spike of attention to charter schools, often

Question of the Day

(courtesy of In The Lobby online pharmacy buy elavil online no prescription pharmacy ): The New Jersey Schools Boards Association is asking the teachers unions

Christie’s Big Gamble

Okay, everyone breathe. We’ve all seen the state aid cuts – not the measly 15% of projected aid, but instead a migraine-inducing 5% of total

Reactions to Gov. Christie’s Education Cuts

Marie Bilik, NJSBA Executive Director: For too long, too many state leaders have criticized local school boards for contract settlements that, in fact, were made

NJ Plays “Biggest Loser”

It’s Budget Day in the Garden State and school district business administrators are frantically running spreadsheets based on projected cuts in state aid while superintendents

Demystifying Education

Tomorrow Gov. Christie will announce, if rumor holds, $800 million in cuts in state aid to public schools. In doing so, he’s gambling that the