Christie v. NJEA/State Legislature

Ever wonder whether a Venn diagram of NJEA, the Senate Education Committee, and the Assembly Education Committee would display even the smallest lack of overlap?

Christie’s One-Man Band

Is it possible to flip the bird to NJEA and still succeed as New Jersey’s education reformer? It sounds like Chris Christie is going to

Conventional Olive Branch from NJEA?

The kids are back in school today after a four-day weekend for the NJEA Convention, which precedes (for most districts) half-days for teacher-parent conferences, which

It’s NJEA Convention Time,

that two-day period in November when New Jersey public schools close so that teachers can go to Atlantic City for all sorts of worthwhile activities.

Preschool Panacea?

NJEA issued a press release yesterday linking an improvement in 8th grade math scores to access to preschool. The scores for 4th and 8th graders

NJEA Launches Anti-Christie Website

With pictures of Jon Corzine looking authoritative and benevolent, and pictures of Chris Christie looking large and bewildered, NJEA has launched a new website called

Is Corzine Really a Charter School Fan?

Jon Corzine’s deathbed conversion to unfettered charter school expansion during Thursday night’s gubernatorial debate is a little confusing if you’ve been following the rhetoric. Just

Here’s NJEA’s Talking Points

on why union members should vote for Corzine instead of Christie. Among the key issues: Corzine “does not support [merit pay] because it creates a

Weinberg’s Charter School Dupe

Here’s what L.G. Candidate Loretta Weinberg told NJN during a visit to a Teaneck charter school on Tuesday (link here, about 1:30): “Part of our