New Newsworks Column: PARCC Shortens Test, But That Won’t Satisfy Critics

It starts here:The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), the consortium that provides student assessments for…

10 years ago

Why N.J. Should Shelve Superintendent Salary Caps

Today’s Wall St. Journal reports on South Orange-Maplewood’s Superintendent Brian Osbourne and his angst over leaving the North Jersey district…

11 years ago

Today’s WHYY Post: Christie’s Proposed School Aid, 2014

My post today at WHYY's Newsworks  looks at the reaction of various interest groups -- school boards, teachers' union, principals…

12 years ago

Between the Lines At Yesterday’s Senate Hearing on Tenure Reform

All New Jersey eduwonks are consumed by yesterday’s  Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee meeting, where the committee heard supportive testimony…

13 years ago