On Sunday the New York Times online pharmacy purchase atarax no prescription with best prices today in the USA featured…
Today's Washington Examiner article, entitled "Tide Shifting Against Common Core," is a great illustration of the failure of journalists to…
Today’s New York Times features a doomsday article on the demise of the PARCC assessments aligned with the Common Core…
Here's New Jersey Asst. State Education Commissioner Bari Erlichson:By making these test questions public, teachers can see how their students'…
Like the boy in the Hans Christian Anderson’s tale called "The Emperor's New Clothes," we’re all agape as results on…
Let me state this for the record: I love PBS. But Gwen Ifill’s interview with Jesse Hagopian, an anti-testing activist…
The New Jersey Department of Education released the state’s first PARCC results yesterday afternoon. No surprises here: student proficiency scores…
The members of New Jersey’s “review” of the Common Core State Standards are faced with a thankless task: fussing over…
Remember that movie "Race to Nowhere" where students are bullwhipped by mountains of schoolwork, tests, and stress, while their teachers…
Here's my new NJ Spotlight piece:Are we being over-optimistic when it comes to how well NJ’s middle-class students are being…