Dear Friends,I’m writing to you, not in my capacity as President of the Board of Trustees of HoLa (Hoboken Dual…
John Holland Charter School in Paterson just announced its most recent PARCC scores for 6th graders in language arts: 68.4%…
The Consortium for Policy Research in Education has just released a working paper called “The Bubble Bursts: The 2015 Opt-Out…
Today Camden Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard announced PARCC scores for the district’s 16,000 students. These student achievement levels are the first…
From Politico:State Senate President Stephen Sweeney said he supported standardized tests and questioned the “hysteria” surrounding PARCC, New Jersey’s latest…
Irwin Stoolmacher, a guest columnist today at the Star-Ledger and a resident of West Windsor-Plainsboro, one of N.J.’s wealthy suburban…
Princeton High School students sure do love their Advanced Placement courses. According to New Jersey D.O.E. data, last year 97.3%…
Last week I looked at the how differences in state-level leadership, teacher unions, and parent advocacy may have affected New…
New York and New Jersey are neighbors, but you’d never know it, at least judging by disparities in their anti-testing…
On Monday night South Brunswick parents were invited to an event called “The PARCC and Your Rights as Parents.” online…