Parent Voice

JerseyCAN Fellowships Launch With Bipartisan Support From NJ Senators Gopal, O’Scalon, and Singleton

JerseyCAN, a nonprofit organization advocating for high-quality schools for all New Jersey students, recently launched two fellowship programs for parents…

2 years ago

The Only Thing Mike Learned Is His School Doesn’t Care About Him

On Wednesday, June 15th, one of Kelly Hudak’s eight children came home in a state of distress from Ocean City…

2 years ago

Newark Mom Charges School Aide With Beating Her 7-Year-Old and Pushing Him Down a Flight of Stairs

Last month, say new charges, a teacher's aide assigned to students with disabilities pushed a seven-year-old boy down a flight…

2 years ago

COMMENTARY: Forget About the ‘Math Wars’ and Look at Corey and Kyela

Let’s start with a history lesson: in 1882, before computers, software engineering, and artificial intelligence were even a glint in…

2 years ago

VIDEO: Latina Advocate Fights for Daniel’s Breath While Elizabeth School District Remains Silent

Over the past year NJ Education Report has followed the travails of Maria Lorenz, who has two sons with special…

2 years ago

Will Starting High Schools Later Create Different Problems?

Rob Jennings is a reporter at Advance Media, where this first appeared. 5:48 a.m. That’s when my alarm went off…

2 years ago

JAMES: Murphy Has Put Our Children’s Educational Futures at Risk and We’re Fed Up

Most recently, in "Murphy Just Put a Ceiling on my Daughter's Future," I wrote about the developing educational crisis here…

2 years ago

MCKENNA: Remote Education Sucked. Now What?

Laura McKenna is an education writer based in New Jersey. You can find her here ( This was originally published at Laura…

3 years ago

NJ Kids Can’t Wait–So Here’s How to Address Student COVID Learning Needs

On Tuesday, October 19th, JerseyCAN, a nonprofit advocating for high-quality schools for all New Jersey students, launched a new webinar…

3 years ago

Tempers Rising in Asbury Park: Broken AC, Staff Suspensions, and Community Unrest

Frustration is mounting in Asbury Park among parents, staff members, and residents . Here's a round-up of what people are…

3 years ago