Parent Voices

JerseyCAN Launches NJ Teacher Leader Policy and Parent Champion Fellowships

As Students Head Back to School, Parents and Teachers are Gearing Up for Another Year of Strong Advocacy In an…

2 years ago

NJEA Goes KGB On The New Sex Education Standards and Grooms Its Own Candidates

Twitter is no fair representative of public sentiment but my feed is suddenly clogged by New Jersey residents appalled by…

2 years ago

Ocean City Parent: We Embrace LGBTQ Students But Not Our ‘Hyper-Sexualized’ Schools

Editor's Note: On Friday NJ Education Report published a petition that calls for Ocean City Public Schools to embrace the…

2 years ago

Paula White, Education Policy Expert and NJ Mom, Will Run Statewide Education Advocacy Organization

JerseyCAN, the only statewide advocacy organization in New Jersey committed to ensuring access to high-quality public schools for every child…

2 years ago

JEFFERSON: Newark Parents, Fed Up With District Schools and Phil Murphy, Demand Educational Change

Reverend David Jefferson, Sr. Esq is the senior pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, the largest Congregation in the City…

2 years ago

Asbury Park Parents Protest Possible Cancellation of Football Season Due to Low Student Achievement

Last Friday Asbury Park Superintendent Rashawn Adams announced the varsity football team, the Blue Bishops, would forfeit their first game…

2 years ago

Ocean City Parents Decry Board’s Approval of State’s ‘Perverted’ Sex Ed Standards

This letter was submitted by members of the Ocean City Alliance for Sensible Education, comprised of parents who object to…

2 years ago

NYE: Medically-Fragile New Jersey Students Deserve a Permanent Virtual Learning Option

Deanna Nye is the founder of NJ Parents for Virtual Choice, a group of parents and community members who support…

2 years ago

LILLEY: Less Than Half of American Parents Trust Teachers on Issues of Gender and Sexuality–Including Liberals

It turns out that a majority of public school parents distrust public schools when it comes to teaching about gender and sexuality.  Contrary…

2 years ago

LILLEY: In Pitting Teachers Against Parents, NJEA Is Injecting Politics Into Our Schools

Sunlight Policy Center of New Jersey has detailed how the NJEA is training teachers to become political activists to push for…

2 years ago