Parents of Color

Here’s Why It’s Time For New Jersey Legislators to Finally Pass a Voucher Bill

The ramifications of this pandemic will take years to unpack but here’s one thing we know for sure: support for…

2 years ago

With Friends Like Biden and Murphy, Who Needs Enemies?

Last week Newark Public Schools District reported the alarming news that, based on results from internal assessments, only 6% of…

2 years ago

Why Is Education Law Center Discounting Parent Support for Charter Schools in Deference to NJEA?

Jasmine Morrison is a parent activist in Newark with two sons in charter schools. For more coverage of her advocacy,…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: Will Biden’s Pick for Education Secretary Work for All Kids?

We want to support you so that you can get to the great work of helping kids. You have to…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: Good Luck Finding an Education Secretary Who Can Help Kids and Make Unions Happy, Mr. President-Elect

President-Elect Joe Biden may be setting himself up for a confrontation between two of his top advisors. Perched on one…

4 years ago

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Must Rise: Thoughts on Last Night’s Convention.

True confession: I didn't watch the Democratic virtual convention last night. Currently I'm maintaining my mental health by mainlining "The…

4 years ago

Why Aren’t Teachers Freaking Out Over Biden and Bernie’s Education Task Force?

This is a guest post by Chris Stewart, the Chief Executive Officer of brightbeam. He was named CEO in April…

4 years ago

Camden Councilwoman: “I Believe in the Transformation that is Taking Place in the City of my Birth,” Including Five Straight Years of Academic Improvement in Camden Schools.

This is a guest post by Felisha Reyes Morton who is a Camden Councilwoman (and first Latina to represent the…

5 years ago

Is Newark Superintendent Leon Taking His Cues From Teacher Union President Who Approves of Blackface and Demeans Students on Facebook?

Last Tuesday a group of players on the junior varsity basketball team at Newark’s Malcolm Shabazz High School instigated a…

5 years ago

On Charters, a New Report Shows That White Democrats Are Getting It Wrong. (Listen Up, Bernie/Liz/Joe!)

Judging by the harsh turn that some politicians have taken against charter schools, voters might well imagine that the data…

5 years ago