President-Elect Joe Biden

Top Union Officials Wooing Biden Share This Motto: “School Choice for Me but Not for Thee.”

Those of you who follow me know I rarely have anything nice to say out-going U.S. Secretary Betsy DeVos and…

4 years ago

This Memphis Mom (and Grandma!) Has a Thanksgiving Message for Joe Biden

Sarah Carpenter, executive director of Memphis Lift, spent much of the 2020 primary season bringing her message — her plea—for liberation…

4 years ago

Statement From Charter Alliance on Biden/Harris Victory

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools congratulates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their historic victory. As the newly…

4 years ago

RICCARDS: A Shortlist for Biden’s Next U.S. Education Secretary

Even before President-elect Joe Biden offered his inspiring remarks to the nation this weekend, the social media posts declaring, “bye,…

4 years ago

Something Astonishing Happened This Past Weekend And I’m Still Reeling

No, it wasn't President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris' victory. It wasn't Soon-To-Be-Former President Donald Trump's refusal to…

4 years ago