Private Schools

EXPLAINER: How To Get Your District To Pay For a Private Special Education Placement

Twenty years ago my husband and I were faced with a challenge: Jonah, our then-three-year-old who has Fragile X Syndrome,…

2 years ago

As Goes Camden, So Goes India: Moving Beyond Our Self-Imposed Bounds

I've been taking a big-picture look at Camden (more on this next week) and one particular data point stood out.…

2 years ago

Lakewood Macher Sends Out Email Defending Private Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Schools In Backlash To New York Times

On Sunday the New York Times published an article called, "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush With Public Money."…

2 years ago

Here’s Why It’s Time For New Jersey Legislators to Finally Pass a Voucher Bill

The ramifications of this pandemic will take years to unpack but here’s one thing we know for sure: support for…

2 years ago

Jersey City School Board Narrowly Passes Trimmed School Budget

Last night the Jersey City Board of Education voted 5-4 to approve a new 2022-2023 budget. Last week members had…

3 years ago

Do You Want The Good Lakewood News First Or the Bad Lakewood News First?

Let’s start with the good news. District Attorney Michael Inzelbuch has stopped siphoning more than $1 million dollars of taxpayer…

3 years ago

JAMES: Murphy Just Put a Ceiling On My Daughter’s Future

You all know I wear a lot of hats. Housing developer. Community activist. Political observer. But by far my most…

3 years ago

Parents Invincible Launches ‘Camden Homeschooling Cohort’

This is a press release from Parents Invincible Executive Director Shirley Irizarry. The non-profit helps Camden parents make the best…

3 years ago

Oh, What a Year It’s Been for School Choice!

2021 has a new moniker: “The Year of School Choice” with 18 states enacting seven new school choice programs and…

3 years ago

Lakewood Municipal Gov’t Is Using COVID Emergency Funds To Reimburse Parents for Yeshiva Tuition. Is This Kosher?

Here's a creative use of federal emergency funds intended to address learning loss suffered by low-income students during pandemic-induced school…

3 years ago