For a sense of the metamorphosis of school board races from afterthoughts to center-stage, look no further than Clinton Township…
Update via Mike Lilley: Sunlight has discovered $70,000 in last-minute spending on school board elections from the NJEA’s Super PAC,…
Sunlight wants to update our reporting on NJEA funding for local school board races. In Wayne, Sparta, Ringwood and Old…
With Election Day approaching, the New Jersey Democratic State Committee is calling out two highly troubling incidents of extreme, radical…
Jonathan Shutman,Ed.D., is a retired school principal and administrator who has worked in the Marlboro, North Brunswick, and Montclair public…
We now have on-the-ground confirmation about the tactics and reach of the NJEA’s well-funded, statewide campaign against parents who dare…
Twitter is no fair representative of public sentiment but my feed is suddenly clogged by New Jersey residents appalled by…
This is an op-ed from Susan Lombardo and Sue Ferrara, current Hamilton school board members, regarding the candidacy of Nicholas…
Late Friday we reported Nicholas Ferrara, a school board candidate in Hamilton Township, had posted on Gab, a Trumpy website,…
UPDATE: On Saturday Ferrara said he will exit the race for Hamilton School Board. buy online no prescription…