From Our In-Coming Big Cheese

Here’s Governor-Elect Christie (courtesy of the Asbury Park Press) on how to cut school costs, the main driver of N.J.’s crippling property taxes: 1) Eliminate

Sunday Leftovers

Fallout from school Budget Failures: While about 70% of school budgets passed in New Jersey on April 21st, the ones that failed to gain voter

Anyone Wanna Try November?

School district budget election results are in and, on balance, most districts did better than they feared. (Here’s a run-down from the Star-Ledger.) Since school

High Anxiety: School Board Elections Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Election Day for school board candidates and 550 school district budgets. Dire predictions abound, as school budgets are the only arena for tax-tired

Englewood Heroics

All hail the Englewood School Board, which has courageously drawn a line in the sand between fiscal logic and inanity. North Jersey reports that negotiations

Quote of the Day

Collectively, these [appointed Camden City School Board] members have missed 46 percent of their meetings or a rate 3 1/2 times higher than the district’s

Sunday Leftovers

Davy Up Close and Personal: buy kamagra-oral-jelly online buy kamagra-oral-jelly online no prescription Today’s Star-Ledger has a lukewarm profile of Education Commissioner Lucille Davy in

Corzine’s Hat Trick

Given the complexity of this economic situation, any increase at all is a victory. We are very, very fortunate that the governor has made education

Pre-April Chill

As if school boards didn’t have enough financial angst, NJSBA reported yesterday that out of five referendum questions on the ballot Tuesday, only one passed.