Cerf Stomps on the Third Rail of Tenure Reform

From NJ Ed. Comm. Chris Cerf’s just-released Education Funding Report: It is the Department’s hope that in considering changes to the SFRA funding formula, the

Cost Per Pupil in 6 NJ Poor Urban School Districts

One slide from Comm. Cerf’s powerpoint at yesterday’s Convocation (see post below) is titled “Education spending in high-need districts exceeds statewide average.” I don’t know

Impact of Recession on School Spending

The Education Intelligence Agency (hat tip: Joanne Jacobs) reports on the impact of the recession on school spending, based on the recent release on the

Quote of the Day

“The Garden State stands out as a beacon of educational equity among our neighboring states,” said David Sciarra, ELC Executive Director and co-author of the

Quotes of the Day

Helaine Olen at Slate looks at a new rule in the Santa Monica-Maliba Unified School District which stops parents from fundraising just for their children’s

Once Again, Willingboro vs. Moorestown

Per tradition, let’s compare the New Jersey School Report Cards of two Burlington County districts, Moorestown and Willingboro, which are nine miles apart from each

Romney Needs an I.E.P.* on School Funding

The big education story today is Mitt Romney’s “education platform,” which was unveiled, curiously, during a speech to the Latino Coalition (where he didn’t mention