Compared to Police, Teachers Are A Bargain

According to New Jersey Newsroom, the Christie Administration wants to encourage school districts to merge or at least agree to have one set of administrators

SFRA as Gold Doubloon

Excuse the self-indulgent literary reference, but we just can’t help ourselves. The much-heralded/hated School Funding Reform Act, Gov. Corzine’s formula intended to more fairly equalize

The Day After

Samples of Budget Chatter: Monica Yant Kinney in Philadelphia Inquirer: By publicly vilifying public employees and their union leaders, Christie risked starting a class war

Schundler and the Reinvented DOE

Assembled school board members and administrators main-lining caffeine early Saturday morning in Harrison, NJ got their wake-up call, especially if they thought they’d be drowsing

Quote of the Day

Keeping state aid flat from year to year may not be possible. The Corzine administration funded approximately 13 percent of this year’s state aid to