School Improvement

MATRISCIANO: Newark Public Schools Has a Great Strategic Plan That Won’t Work— Unless We Make These Five Changes

Vince Matrisciano is a Project Management Engineer who worked for the Department of Defense for over 30 years, managing complex…

2 years ago

JEFFERSON: Newark Parents, Fed Up With District Schools and Phil Murphy, Demand Educational Change

Reverend David Jefferson, Sr. Esq is the senior pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, the largest Congregation in the City…

2 years ago

GOODMAN: High-Stakes Tests Don’t Help Students Learn. Why Don’t We Try This New Model Instead?

Ten years ago Robert Goodman, the Executive Director of the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning (NJCTL), wrote a…

2 years ago

COMMENTARY: From Bridgewater to Newark, Parents Are Demanding Virtual Options. What If We Listened?

In June Gov. Phil Murphy decreed that this September all schools must provide in-person full-time instruction and the days of…

3 years ago

Camden Councilwoman: “I Believe in the Transformation that is Taking Place in the City of my Birth,” Including Five Straight Years of Academic Improvement in Camden Schools.

This is a guest post by Felisha Reyes Morton who is a Camden Councilwoman (and first Latina to represent the…

5 years ago

Rouhanifard Resigns: What’s Next for Camden City Public Schools?

Today Camden Superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard announced his resignation. I’ve followed the trajectory of Camden Public Schools since I started this…

6 years ago