School Reopening

School Reopening Plans Backlogged at DOE While School Leaders Lament Lack of Leadership

I’ve had a lot of superintendents, a lot of principals from my area reach out lamenting kind of the lack…

4 years ago

Lakewood Parents on In-School Instruction: “We’re Only Here As Props!”

Lakewood Public Schools has carefully orchestrated its plan to open schools for full-day in-person instruction on September 4th. Yet efforts…

4 years ago

Murphy Has A Reminder For School Districts at Today’s Press Conference

At today's daily press briefing on COVID-19, Gov. Phil Murphy reminded school districts that if they plan on taking him…

4 years ago

“Flexibility” Is Fine, Gov. Murphy, But Not When It’s an Evasion of Leadership.

Dear Governor Murphy,  Today you have an op-ed in NJ Spotlight asserting that New Jersey’s education system is a “gem”…

4 years ago

New Jersey Superintendents Enraged By Murphy’s “Abdication of Responsibility”

In my experience, school superintendents are gracious and diplomatic when faced with hardships, whether dealt unexpected cuts in state aid,…

4 years ago

Murphy’s Executive Order For Districts Going Remote-Only

Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Requiring Schools to Open for In-Person Instruction and Permitting Districts to Provide Remote-Only Instruction if…

4 years ago

Newark Charters Pledge to Exceed Health and Academic Standards During COVID

Today thirteen public charter schools in Newark signed the “COVID-19 Compact” that represents a commitment to common standards for the…

4 years ago

Murphy Flip-Flops on School Reopenings. Here’s the Backstory.

It’s been two years since I began covering the deterioration of the New Jersey Department of Education under the commissioner appointed…

4 years ago

Breaking News: Murphy Will Announce Today That Schools Can Go All-Remote

At 1:00 this afternoon Governor Phil Murphy will hold a press conference with Interim Education Commissioner Kevin Dehmer. According to…

4 years ago

School Districts Defy Murphy With Impunity While Repollet Takes Kean University All-Remote

Yesterday I wrote of an accelerating pattern of school districts defying direct mandates from Phil Murphy and the state Department…

4 years ago