School Reopenings

BODENHEIMER: Weingarten’s Political Theater On School Reopenings Is a Slap in the Face to Parents Like Me

This is a guest editorial by Rebecca Bodenheimer. It first appeared in The Grade, a media watchdog project dedicated to…

3 years ago

Will Kids Need to Wear Masks in Schools in September? Murphy is Hedging His Bets as School Leaders Protest

If you’re a little confused by the "to-wear or not-to-wear" mask discussions, you're not alone. Last Tuesday Gov. Phil Murphy…

3 years ago

New Poll: White NJ Parents More Comfortable With in-Person Learning Than Black NJ Parents; Partisan Gap Too

Following Governor Murphy’s announcement that all New Jersey schools will return to full-time, in-person learning in the fall, Newark-based non-profit…

3 years ago

Paterson Students Will Re-Enter School Buildings in September After 542 Days of Remote Instruction

It's been 446 days since teachers in Paterson Public Schools set foot in their classrooms but yesterday they walked in.…

3 years ago

Education Law Center: New Jersey Education Department Under-Staffed and Overwhelmed

(This is a republication of Education Law Center's new analysis, originally published on its website.) A new Education Law Center…

3 years ago

Jersey City Superintendent Reverses Himself: District Schools Will Reopen Next Week

Earlier this week NJ Education Report reported that, in contrast to Camden City Public Schools that just reopened for kindergarten-second…

3 years ago

Camden Schools Reopen But Jersey City Schools Will Stay Closed Until September: Why?

Yesterday in Camden, district kindergarten-2nd grade students were welcomed back to in-person classes with "clean versions of hit pop songs,…

3 years ago

East Orange Superintendent: The Window Of Opportunity Is Here and Schools Must Reopen Before It’s Too Late

Abdul Saleem Hasan, Ed.S., is Superintendent for East Orange Public Schools DIstrict and a former assistant state education commissioner. This…

3 years ago

As NJ Schools Stay Closed, Lawsuits Pile Up: Here’s the Latest List

Students in New Jersey school districts -- primarily large urban ones -- have been home for 13 months and, given…

3 years ago

Murphy Faces Backlash Over Announcement That All Schools Must Reopen in September

Governor Phil Murphy, who announced Wednesday that starting in September all schools must be full-time in-person, is getting some blowback.…

3 years ago