All Signs Point To The Waning of the Opt-Out Movement: Just Look at Princeton

Princeton Regional Public Schools is the bellwether of the opt-out movement in New Jersey. The wealthy and mostly White district…

8 years ago

School Funding Drinking Game: Count Those Proposals!

I curled up in front of CNN on the evening of November 8th, cozied by a glass of wine and…

8 years ago

N.J. Governor-to-Be Phil Murphy Proposes Insolvable/Insolvent Math Problem to NJEA Members

Accept my apology, dear readers, for forgoing my annual rant about the NJEA Convention, which takes place in Atlantic City…

8 years ago

Dissecting the Opt-Out Bubble: A Thorough Analysis

The Consortium for Policy Research in Education has just released a working paper called “The Bubble Bursts: The 2015 Opt-Out…

8 years ago

Here’s Why New Jersey’s School Aid Formula is Broken

Today the Star-Ledger marvels over the new Phillipsburg High School building, a "sprawling 326,000-square-foot school built atop a hill off…

9 years ago

My Equity Button

Princeton High School students sure do love their Advanced Placement courses. According to New Jersey D.O.E. data, last year 97.3%…

9 years ago

Nine out of Ten of New Jersey’s Top High Schools Are School Choice Magnets

U.S. News and World Report just issued their annual list of America’s top 100 high schools and five of them…

9 years ago

N.J. D.O.E. Approves 3 New Charters and 16 Expansions

Yesterday the New Jersey Department of Education announced the results of the most recent round of charter school authorizations. Three…

9 years ago

Princeton High School Student Explains Why He Opted Out of PARCC Last Year

CentralJersey examines Princeton High School's high rate of PARCC refusals (last year 800 out of 1,164 high school students refused…

9 years ago

Oy Gevalt: Newark Teachers Union President Needs a Little R & R

Newark Teachers Union President John Abeigon has an editorial in today’s NJ Spotlight  where he argues  that New Jersey taxpayers should…

9 years ago