NJ’s Alternative High School Assessments Dilemma

John Mooney has an important piece today in NJ Spotlight on the decision by Ed. Comm. Cerf and the DOE…

12 years ago

Christie’s “Dubious Educational Policy Decisions”

Bob Braun at the Star-Ledger had a column yesterday that slammed the Christie Administration’s “dubious educational policy decisions made behind…

12 years ago

When a Rose Isn’t a Rose

New Jersey may have one of the nation's top high school graduation rates, but when it comes to college just…

14 years ago

Doing the Math in Camden

Today the Courier-Post examines the dipping graduation rates in Camden City’s five public high schools, where “at least 100 fewer…

14 years ago

Great Piece on the SRA, But…

James Ahearn takes on the Special Review Assessment in The Record, reviewing how students would take the SRA after failing…

14 years ago

Asking The Right Question

Are the massive failure rates of students who took this year's Alternative High School Assessment (AHSA) a failure of teaching…

14 years ago

How We Fail the Kids in Camden

My heart is crushed right now just because he worked hard to reach this point," [Beyonka] Walden-Utley said about her…

14 years ago

NJ’s Diploma Scam, Part II

To recap: the Education Law Center is irate because this past January the vast majority of the 10,000 high school…

14 years ago

NJ’s Diploma Scam: Part I

Last Tuesday the Education Law Center (ELC) sent a letter to Commissioner Bret Schundler requesting that he “set aside the…

14 years ago

Trenton Central High Gets Wacked By New S.R.A.

The Trenton Times looks at the impact of the DOE’s decision to amend the rules surrounding the Special Review Assessment,…

14 years ago