Lifeline for Trenton Central High?

In yesterday’s Trenton Times Drs. James Deneen and Carmen Catanese propose a three-part fix for Trenton Central High School, one…

15 years ago

How About an Interdistrict Teacher Choice Program?

The Senate Assembly Education Committee was told yesterday afternoon that we can improve our failing urban schools by pairing successful,…

15 years ago

NJEA Endorses Legislators

NJEA’s PAC has just voted to endorse 47 Democrats and 24 Republicans for the New Jersey Legislature. Here’s the complete…

15 years ago

Mainstream Media Pans N.J.’s Backdoor Diploma Scam

The Jersey papers are chock-full of stories and editorials today about the SRA scam in which kids who fail the…

15 years ago

Dems for Ed Reform Cites N.J.’s Two-Tier System

At Democrats for Education Reform, Executive Director Joe Williams and Director of Federal Policy Charles Barone have released a series…

15 years ago

Quote of the Day

This year, in Paterson, more than 40 percent of the seniors took the special test [given to students who can't…

15 years ago

What To Do When Half our Poor Kids Can’t Pass an 8th Grade Test?

While recent New Jersey history is not part of the State Board of Education’s just-released high school graduation requirements, let’s…

15 years ago

Flipping the Bird to the Supreme Court

An organization called Our Children/Our Schools, which describes itself as "a statewide education justice campaign whose membership includes education, children's…

15 years ago

Quote of the Day

The SRA [Special Review Assessment] is in some ways a modern paraphrase of the Wizard of Oz's gift to the…

15 years ago

N.J. Has The Highest Graduation Rate in the U.S. Not.

The Record crows today,New Jersey continues to lead the nation in the percentage of students who graduate from high school,…

15 years ago