In Wednesday's NJ Spotlight, Mark Weber takes aim at two recent editorials, mine online pharmacy cymbalta no prescription and Michele Mason’s, which…
Does it seem odd to you that we’re celebrating the fact that half of New Jersey’s third-graders are at or…
Last week I wrote a post about a report on N.J.'s segregated schools by Professor Gary Orfield et. al. which…
(This post is by Chris Minnich, Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers, and originally appeared in Huffington Post.) I…
I’ve written about Keith Benson before, president of the Camden Education Association and and paranoid conspiracy theorist who claims that…
We know what it takes for all New Jersey students to graduate ready for a successful future, whether college or…
Nostalgia is a wonderful thing, except when treasured memories are delusional. Which pretty much describes yesterday’s op-ed in NJ Spotlight…
Maybe it’s because I’m at the New Jersey Charter School Association annual conference and last evening heard Norm Atkins, founder…
Last week wrote about the New Jersey Charter School Association's new analysis, “20 Years of New Jersey Charter Schools: A…
Researchers at Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) are releasing a study today called “Assessing the Impact of…