Student Achievement

Superintendent León’s ‘Flimsy’ and ‘Hostile’ Attack on Newark Public Charter Schools

NJ Education Report isn't the only platform criticizing Newark Superintendent Roger León’s not-so-subtle attack on the city’s charter school sector,…

4 years ago

NJ Senate Education Chair: We Must Assess Student Learning Loss This Year

online pharmacy buy imodium online no prescription Senate Education Chair M. Teresa Ruiz issued the following statement welcoming the Biden…

4 years ago

“They Tell Us to Mark Them Present Even if They’re Not Here”: How Many Newark Students Are Showing Up?

Last week Newark Superintendent Roger León, cowed by the Newark Teachers Union, announced that Newark Public School would remain closed…

4 years ago

Fact-Checking a Skewed Take on Camden School Closures

WHYY  has a “news” story on pending closures of traditional schools in Camden City due to declining enrollment. Certainly it’s…

4 years ago

COMMENTARY: Will Biden’s Pick for Education Secretary Work for All Kids?

We want to support you so that you can get to the great work of helping kids. You have to…

4 years ago

It's Every Student Succeeds Act’s Fifth Anniversary But There's Nothing to Celebrate

Five years ago TikTok, the video-sharing social networking platform, didn’t even exist. Today, the New York Times reports that over one-third of…

4 years ago

Senate Education Committee Demands a "Reckoning With Truth," Despite Pleas From NJEA

After the U.S. education system fractured into Zoom screens last spring, experts feared millions of children would fall behind. Hard…

4 years ago

NJ Senate Education Committee to Consider Crucial Bill Later Today.

Heads-up to those who think measuring New Jersey students' learning loss is critical if we are to provide for the…

4 years ago

Camden Student Learning Falters as Problems Mount and Enrollment Shrinks

That’s a disaster. This school district is now run by the state of New Jersey, what are we doing about…

4 years ago

My Son Spends Hours Watching “The Office” During His “Full Day” of Remote Instruction.

I knew something was wrong when, during what was supposed to be a full day of remote learning, my thirteen-year-old…

4 years ago