Teacher Evaluations

FLYNN: Delayed Release of Test Scores Shows Murphy’s Education Department Is Guided By Politics, Not What’s Best for Children

These are comments from  New Jersey Assemblywoman Victoria Flynn on the State Education Department's (NJDOE) delayed and partial release of…

2 years ago

Latest From Asbury Park: Students Pulled From Class To Celebrate Principal’s Pregnancy and Teachers Deride Ignorant Evaluations

At Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, one of two preK-3 schools in Asbury Park Schools District, academics appear to take second…

2 years ago

Westfield Teacher Tenure Case Shows How The System Is Rigged Against Districts and Families

Four years ago the Westfield Board of Education filed tenure charges against Frank Fuzy, a third-grade teacher in the district.…

2 years ago

Asbury Park Teachers: ‘Our Administrators Are Breaking the Law!’

Three months ago NJ Education Report released a copy of a letter from Asbury Park Education Association President John Napolitani…

2 years ago

New Survey Results from Asbury Park: ‘The State Needs To Come In and Shut This Place Down’

The Asbury Park Education Association sent out a mid-year climate survey to its 375 members asking their opinions of the…

3 years ago

Asbury Park Union President Files Grievance Against District

Good Morning, Pursuant to my discussion with NJEA attorney Stephen Hunter, as well as NJEA Field Representative Tracie Yostpille, I…

3 years ago

Murphy Coasts to the Finish Line with Skids Greased by NJEA

Major funding for NJ Spotlight News provided by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, New Jersey Education Association,…

3 years ago

When Union Power Goes Too Far: The Case of Sasha Latham

This piece is part of an ongoing series: Is the Teachers Union Too Powerful in New Jersey? Two years ago, with…

3 years ago

Breaking: Murphy Waives High School Graduation Tests & Data-Informed Teacher Evaluations

Press Release from the Governor's Office– Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 214 to affect the following changes for the 2020-2021…

4 years ago

Who Is in the Driver’s Seat: NJEA Leaders or Phil Murphy?

Two weeks ago Governor Phil Murphy was the guest speaker at Rider University’s Rebovich Institute for Politics’ “Governing New Jersey”…

5 years ago