Teacher Pension and Annuity Fund

Half of NJ School Districts Will See 15% Healthcare Premium Hikes—Which Will Be Paid For By Taxpayers and Kids

Yesterday New Jersey's School Employees’ Health Benefits Commission voted 5-1 to increase rates about 15% for the 2023 calendar year…

2 years ago

If NJ Teachers Take Early Retirement to Avoid Contracting COVID, What Will That Do To NJ’s Budget?

Here’s a scenario you might not have considered: If New Jersey schools do reopen for in-school instruction this year, some…

4 years ago

Four Reasons Why Public Schools Won’t Return to “Normal” Anytime Soon

Yogi Berra proclaimed (perhaps apocryphally), “predictions are difficult, especially about the future.” I have no crystal ball but, whenever this…

4 years ago

NJEA Execs Demand Continuation of $700/Hour Acupuncture Sessions — On Your Dime.

Say NO to pension and benefit attacks! Legislation recently introduced by Senate President Steve Sweeney threatens the pensions and health…

5 years ago

Education Law Center’s New Lawsuit For Abbott District Construction Is Based On A Reality That Is 40 Years Old.

This is a guest post by Jeffrey Bennett, who blogs at New Jersey Education Aid. It originally appeared in ROI.…

5 years ago

Who Is in the Driver’s Seat: NJEA Leaders or Phil Murphy?

Two weeks ago Governor Phil Murphy was the guest speaker at Rider University’s Rebovich Institute for Politics’ “Governing New Jersey”…

5 years ago

As Goes Lakewood, So Goes New Jersey? Lakewood As a Microcosm of the Garden State.

On Monday night the Lakewood Board of Education held a public meeting that, per tradition, didn’t lack for theatrics. When…

5 years ago

New Jersey Teachers’ Pension System Is Broken, Unless You Work In the Front Office. Also, Why Are Sex Offenders Receiving Pensions?

Last week I wrote about the disparities in pay between rank and file educators and those who work in the…

6 years ago