Teacher Preparation

BREAKING: Murphy’s Education Commissioner Orders State Board To Recognize Her ‘Competence’

Here's a best practice for state departments of education: treat oversight boards respectfully and communicate all proposals in advance of…

2 years ago

ADERHOLD: To Address Teacher Shortage, Get Rid of State Qualifying Test

David M. Aderhold, Ed.D, is the superintendent of schools for the West Windsor – Plainsboro Regional School District. This originally…

2 years ago

‘We Need to Shift the Way We View Teachers,’ Says New Jersey Educator: Here’s Why

Robert Moore wrote this story for Honored, a nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping great teachers in the classroom and to…

2 years ago

Newark Board of Education Will Hire Retired Teachers and Create a Pathway for New Teachers

The Newark Board of Education (NBOE) is poised to take advantage of new legislation that allows them to hire retired…

2 years ago

Camden Education Fund and Camden U Announce New “Teacher Pathway” Partnership

The Camden Education Fund and Camden U, a nonprofit hybrid college, today announced a new partnership designed to give Camden’s…

2 years ago

RETALIS: Here’s How ‘Mixed Reality’ Can Help Early Learners and Students with Disabilities

Dr. Symeon Retalis is a Professor of Learning Design Models for Technology-Enhanced Lifelong Learning Environments at the University of Piraeus,…

3 years ago

Amid Teacher Shortages, Murphy’s Ed Department Doesn’t Even Pick Up the Phone

Waiting 45 minutes on hold during a lunch break and having to hang up without ever gettting through. Months elapsing…

3 years ago

NJ Education Department Staffer: We’re Putting Underqualified Teachers Into Classrooms

The author is a New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) staff member who wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you for…

3 years ago

AVACETO: We Should Be Outraged That Murphy’s Education Department is Lowering Standards for Teachers

Amy Avaceto is a concerned New Jersey parent. The latest buzz at the New Jersey Department of Education (NJ DOE)…

3 years ago

LILLEY: Gov. Murphy Takes Care of His NJEA Pals Over Kids in Poor School Districts. Where Is Mark Weber and NJPP?

NJ Ed Report published an excellent report yesterday about how the NJEA’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is sending unqualified…

3 years ago