
QOD: Mayor of Yonkers on Overcoming N.Y.’s Dual School System, One for Poor Kids and One for Rich Kids

While the State needs to step up funding and contribute to constructions costs, says Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano, online pharmacy…

9 years ago

NEA Set to Endorse Clinton and Trot Down the Well-Worn Anti-Choice Path

As Mike Antonucci reported yesterday and Politico reports today, the "top brass" of the National Education Association's PAC is planning…

9 years ago

QOD: De Blasio’s “Bedrock Principle” is “Not Offending Teachers Unions”

Campbell Brown in today's NY Post:I believe the reason he can’t articulate a vision for NYC’s public schools and their…

9 years ago

Some (Unsolicited) Advice to NEA and AFT Leaders

Last week Chris Stewart, native of New Orleans and graduate of the its public school system (“My NOLA education sucked.…

10 years ago

Why New Jersey Still Needs Tenure Reform

Newark Superintendent Chris Cerf has trimmed the city’s school budget deficit from $40 million to somewhere between $15 million to…

10 years ago

Why New Jersey (Still) Needs Tenure Reform

Today’s Wall St. Journal reports that Newark Public Schools currently has 453 staff members in the pool of  “educators without…

10 years ago

How to Level the Playing Field Between Newark’s Charters and Traditionals? Start with Empowering Principals and Teachers

Dominique D. Lee, the founder and chief executive officer of Newark’s BRICK (Building Responsible Intelligent Creative Kids), has a great…

10 years ago

Sunday Leftovers

John Mooney asks, "All the stir about the state’s plans to relinquish control of Newark’s schools has raised a collateral question:…

10 years ago

N.J. D.O.E. Will Release Teacher Evaluation Database Next Week

The New Jersey Department of Education received a bit of flack after its announcement of the first year’s results of…

10 years ago

QOD: Two N.J. Superintendents on the Impact of PARCC “Misinformation and Rhetoric”

NJ Spotlight interviewed two superintendents, Tim Purnell of Somerville and Scott McCartney of Egg Harbor. Here's an excerpt.Q: How was…

10 years ago