Cami Anderson, Newark Superintendent, on LIFO

(“LIFO” means “last in, first out,” i.e., when public school districts reduce staff due to declining enrollment they must lay off the teachers with the

“Useless” Teacher Evaluations

Gordon MacInnes, in today’s NJ Spotlight, advises that tying teaching evaluations to student growth is premature. The current teacher evaluation-tenure system,” he concedes, “is close

ALJ Removes Revokes Tenure for a Teacher

A NJ State Administrative Law Judge has recommended tenure removal for a business teacher employed by the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District. According to the

Sweeney on Teacher Tenure

N.J. State Senate President Stephen Sweeney considers the prospects of tenure reform during the Senate’s lame duck session (The Record): It is no accident that

Has Teacher Quality Declined?

As New Jerseyans await the State Legislature’s promised debate on reforming teacher tenure, there’s two pieces today that address the impact of lifelong job security