
MATRISCIANO: Newark Public Schools Has a Great Strategic Plan That Won’t Work— Unless We Make These Five Changes

Vince Matrisciano is a Project Management Engineer who worked for the Department of Defense for over 30 years, managing complex…

2 years ago

Testa and Barranco Unveil Parents’ Bill of Rights Legislation

(This is a press release.) A pair of Republican legislators today unveiled their legislation to ensure that the parents of…

2 years ago

Are Newark District Officials Hiding the Truth Or Are They Just Bad at Making Graphs?

Yesterday NJ Ed Report published a short article after Newark officials released new information on the academic gains of students…

2 years ago

RICCARDS: It’s Time for Parents to Speak Louder in Local School Issues

If only I had known that I was a candidate canary in the school board coal mine … It was…

3 years ago

If You’re A Rich White Kid in NJ, Don’t Sweat Over Midterm Exams

There’s an emerging trend among New Jersey high schools: administrators are either canceling midterm exams or diluting their consequences in…

3 years ago

JAMES: Anxiety Is Real In Newark As Superintendent León Fails the Leadership Test

As a housing developer and a community activist, I have a lot of reasons to walk around our city.  It…

3 years ago

ANALYSIS: NJ Ed Department’s Proposal for Dumbed-Down Tests Is 64 Floor Redux

Two years ago, under the leadership of Phil Murphy's Education Commissioner Lamont Repollet, the State Board of Education voted 12-1…

3 years ago

New Ad Campaign Aims to Educate NJEA Members About Their ‘Controversial’ Leaders

In a blog posted on its website this morning, the Sunlight Policy Center of New Jersey announced it was investing…

3 years ago

Newark Father and Political Hopeful Launches Petition Demanding Newark Shares Plan for Federal Spending

Oscar James of Newark Truth has launched a campaign demanding that Newark City Public Schools reveal its plans for spending…

3 years ago

Asbury Park Students Bring Weapons to School and, Once Again, Leaders Cover It Up

Last Tuesday, September 14th, Asbury Park High School students and staff were ordered into an AED lockdown for about 45…

3 years ago