
All Hail NJEA. All Jeer UFT.

When I was growing up in New York City, visitors from New Jersey were disparagingly mocked as the “bridge and…

7 years ago

QOD: WSJ on NYC Mayor de Blasio’s “Embrace” of UFT & Unified Antipathy towards Charters

Read the whole article but here are a few tidbits:Mayor Bill de Blasio...has embraced the United Federation of Teachers and…

9 years ago

UFT Attacks NYC Charters for Discriminating Against Kids with Disabilities, But He Misses the Real Story

Politico reports that UFT President Michael Mulgrew has resumed “UFT's decade-long war against the city's charter sector.”  The reference is…

9 years ago

Mayor De Blasio and UFT: How Close is Too Close? (plus a personal reflection)

I’ve been awfully tough on NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and his apparent lack of urgency in addressing the city…

9 years ago

QOD: Black Lives Don’t Matter to Bill de Blasio

Speaking of incremental vs. transformative change, the Wall St. Journal's William McGurn writes about how black and Hispanic children in…

9 years ago

UFT Members Encourage “Unethical” Stance on Opting-Out of Tests

From Chalkbeat online pharmacy buy periactin online with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy buy albuterol online no…

9 years ago

NYS Comm. Elia is No Union-First Hack

Today the New York Post Editorial Board comes out swinging, fists squarely directed at State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia because…

9 years ago

QOD: De Blasio’s “Bedrock Principle” is “Not Offending Teachers Unions”

Campbell Brown in today's NY Post:I believe the reason he can’t articulate a vision for NYC’s public schools and their…

9 years ago

QOD: Teacher Unions Are Alienating “Blue-State Democrats”

I have little affection for Reason, a publication that sings the anthem of "free minds and free markets," but this…

10 years ago