Gov.-elect Christopher Christie could not have found a nominee for Commissioner of Education that would rile up the New Jersey Education Association more than Bret
What’s going on at Education Law Center, N.J.’s preeminent advocate for poor urban schoolchildren? ELC’s ethos is educational equity and closing the achievement gap, setting
Here’s Governor-Elect Christie (courtesy of the Asbury Park Press) on how to cut school costs, the main driver of N.J.’s crippling property taxes: online pharmacy
Yum. John Wisniewski, an Assembly Democrat has issued a press release criticizing Gov.-Elect Christie for “having difficulty sticking to what he says” because “either his
The Star-Ledger has obtained a November 19th email to Ed Commish Lucille Davy from Susan Cole, head of Christie’s education transition team, telling Davy not
Teachers are not the problem. It’s the over-politicized of the leadership of their union. buy bactroban online no prescription pharmacy Governor-Elect Chris Christie on
Today’s Trenton Times features an editorial by Dr. James Deneen, an ETS program director, and Dr. Carmen Cantanese, a former VP at Sarnoff, who highlight
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